Validation of ALEXI-derived volumetric soil moisture over the Continental United States.
Soil moisture conditions within the soil surface and root-zone layers yield a distinctive thermal signature, where moisture deficiency will lead to surfaces warming more quickly. ALEXI diagnoses a fraction of potential evapotranspiration (fPET) for both the surface layer (0 – 5 cm) and root-zone (5 – 200 cm), given a calculation of the potential ET for soil and canopy components of each pixel scene. In current mesoscale modeling the fraction of potential ET can be directly related to a fraction of available water, which in turn can be used to calculate volumetric soil moisture for a given soil texture. Current land-surface models (LDAS,NLDAS) such as those used in the North American Mesoscale Model (NAM) use antecedent precipitation as the primary component to the calculation of volumetric soil moisture. These models use four layers in their soil model (0-10, 10-40, 40-100, and 100-200 cm), while ALEXI provides a derived volumetric soil moisture for only two layers (0-5 and 5-200 cm). This discrepancy can be solved with a blending of the two layers from ALEXI to provide a reasonable representation of the observed behavior of the four layers used in the land-surface models.
Volumetric soil moisture estimates from ALEXI, NAM (EDAS), and LDAS will be validated against ground-based observations taken over the continental United States during the years of 2003/2004. Results will be quantified through statistical techniques. Initial results from the validation look promising, although a more robust validation is still needed.