Diurnal and angular variability of cloud detection: consistency between polar and geosynchronous ISCCP products
Diurnal and angular variability of cloud detection: consistency between polar and geosynchronous ISCCP products
Tuesday, 31 January 2006: 4:00 PM
Diurnal and angular variability of cloud detection: consistency between polar and geosynchronous ISCCP products
A305 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Presentation PDF (858.1 kB)
There is a view angular dependence for cloud detection from the ISCCP cloud analysis algorithm. Consistency can be demonstrated between polar and geosynchronous satellite observations for this effect. This leads to an angular correction model which can be applied to the either the geosynchronous or polar satellite data time series to correct for systematic angular sampling biases.
Similarly there are diurnal sampling biases in the polar ISCCP observations, especially evident over the land areas. Using the ISCCP geosynchronous diurnal sampling, adjustments consistent with the polar ISCCP analysis are derived.
Both these corrections lead to a more time consistent regional cloud time series from 1983 to 2001. It is important to correct both time series so that they can be used to corroborate each other in measuring regional cloud changes over the last 20 decades.