Urban particle emission rates related to source characteristics and meteorology measured in and above the centre of the city of Manchester (UK)
Urban particle emission rates related to source characteristics and meteorology measured in and above the centre of the city of Manchester (UK)

Wednesday, 1 February 2006: 1:45 PM
Urban particle emission rates related to source characteristics and meteorology measured in and above the centre of the city of Manchester (UK)
A315 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Over 2 months in summer 2005 extensive measurements have been made in central Manchester covering particle number concentrations, size distributions (from 3 nm to 32 mm), composition (by online aerosol mass spectrometry) and turbulent fluxes across 4 traffic-influenced locations. This data is intended to characterise the aerosol being emitted from the city centre as a whole. The total particle number flux has been concurrently measured at a height of 90 m above street level in the centre of the ~1 km2 area covered by the experimental campaign using the eddy covariance technique. As well as extensive particle measurements, traffic data has been recorded and data from a network of sonic anemometers across the sites provided a comprehensive dataset, which will be related to variations in the measured urban particle emission rate.