Quantifying Air Traffic Control Productivity Enhancement for Aviation Convective Weather Decision Support Systems

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In its current demonstration system deployment, the key FAA users of CIWS are ARTCC traffic management coordinators (TMCs) who take the lead in developing and implementing convective weather impact mitigation plans. Primary TMC tasks whose productivity may be enhanced through use of CIWS include situational awareness monitoring, plan development, inter- and intra-facility coordination, and the communication of plans to ATC controllers.
Results from the 2005 benefits assessment campaign demonstrate that CIWS improves productivity by:
1. Reducing the time required to accomplish plan development and implementation, and
2. Improving the quality and quantity of weather impact mitigation plans
Moreover, it was found that the ability of an ARTCC facility to develop and execute weather impact mitigation plans improved significantly when CIWS products were made available to Area Supervisors as well as TMCs. Specific examples of CIWS productivity enhancement benefits, and general circumstances under which these benefits were achieved, will be presented in the paper.