Validation of satellite derived CONUS cloud top pressure using cloud physics lidar data from the ATReC field campaign
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Future space borne weather satellites will most likely contain hyperspectral instruments (GOES-R HES, GIFTS). In preparation for this next generation of instruments, some research has focused on what information may be attained using hyperspectral technology, and how current products may be improved using these data. This study includes an assessment of cloud top height using data from the University of Wisconsin Scanning High resolution Interferometer Sounder (SHIS), a hyperspectral sensor which also flew aboard the NASA ER-2 during ATReC. Since the SHIS and the CPL were co-located on the same aircraft, we expect their assessment of cloud top height will be in good agreement. However, differences in field of view, as well as differences in the actual quantities measured by the two instruments make this a useful and informative comparison, especially given the need to assess hyperspectral cloud products in preparation for future satellite missions.