Relative humidity: What do students know about it?

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The incorrect concept of saturation with respect to relative humidity is very pervasive. Unlike other science misconceptions that are acquired by people through their daily experiences, their own environment explorations, their social interactions, and media, this misconception is also formally taught. Regardless of its origin, scientific misconceptions are tenacious and very resistant to change, mostly because unlearning is extremely difficult if the information "makes sense" from an uninformed or simplistic viewpoint. Because no research has tried to determine the extent of misconceptions about relative humidity, this study aims to contribute to the science education literature in this important area.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate college students' knowledge of the concept of relative humidity by (1) documenting current student ideas about relative humidity, (2) detecting what misconceptions students have about relative humidity and related areas such as evaporation, condensation, and precipitation, and (3) providing evidence that the questionnaire used for data collection is valid and reliable. The research design included the use of a locally-designed, multiple-choice survey to collect information on students' concepts of relative humidity, evaporation, condensation, and precipitation before the topic is covered in class. The participants were enrolled at OU's METR 1014 class during the Fall 2005 semester.