Impact of TAMDAR on RUC forecasts: case studies

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The Forecast Systems Laboratory has been running a parallel version of the RUC 20-km model since late Spring 2005 in which TAMDAR data are ingested. This allows us to make a direct comparison between RUC model forecasts with and without TAMDAR data. Statistics comparing these RUC runs are presented elsewhere at the conference; here we concentrate on case studies for situations where it appeared possible that the TAMDAR data might have made an impact on the RUC forecast. For these cases we subjectively evaluated the model forecasts, with emphasis on comparing forecasts of temperature, humidity and wind both at the surface and aloft (particularly below 500 mb). In addition, we compared forecasts of precipitation, looking especially for differences in location and timing, and, of course, whether the forecasts were in fact better with the TAMDAR data.
Supplementary URL: http://ruc.fsl.noaa.gov/szoke/turbulence/TAMDARsupplementalcasestudies.html