Tire fire inquire

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Wednesday, 1 February 2006
Tire fire inquire
Exhibit Hall A2 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Lori A. Borg, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and M. S. Kulie, Z. Li, C. Y. Liu, B. Maddux, D. Tobin, T. J. Wagner, W. Zhou, and S. A. Ackerman

This poster is an inquiry into the physical properties of a large tire fire using observations from MODIS and AIRS. On Tuesday morning, 19 July 2004 a tire fire erupted in Watertown Wisconsin. The fire sent flames as high as 80 to 100 feet and smoke could be seen as far away as Madison, some 30 miles distance. By that evening about six acres of Watertown Tire Recycling Co.'s estimated 1 million tires were in flames. Shortly after the fire began, NASA's Aqua satellite flew overhead, when the MODIS observed a plume of dark smoke that covered 637 square miles. The poster will present results on the characteristics of the plume (area coverage, height and trace gases) and the fire (temperature and area coverage) using the MODIS and AIRS observations.