Interannual variability of tropical rainfall as seen from TRMM V6

Rainfall estimates from the Version 5 Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Precipitation Radar (PR) averaged over the tropical oceans have not solved this issue and, in fact, show marked differences with estimates from two TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) passive microwave algorithms. Recent work has shown that path-integrated attenuation derived from the effects of precipitation on the radar return from the ocean surface exhibits interannual variability that agrees closely with the TMI time series, yet the PR rainfall interannual variability (and attenuation derived predominantly from reflectivity) differs even in sign. We will explore these apparent inconsistencies and examine changes in these relationships for the new TRMM Version 6 retrievals. The focus is on uncertainties in microphysical assumptions necessitated by the single-frequency PR measurement and the consequent difficulties posed for detecting climate-related precipitation signals.
Another complication of the TRMM record for climate studies is the effect of a 50 Km orbit boost performed in Aug 2001 to enable a longer mission lifetime. Due to associated 1/ r-squared effects on the reflectivity signal and beamfilling, TRMM reflectivity and rainfall estimates are lowered. We use the existing SSM/I record as well as precipitation estimates from the 12.6 GHz QuikSCAT radar to understand this offset and isolate the interannual precipitation signal in the tropics since the beginning of the TRMM mission.