New Features of the VCPExplorer: Simulated Precipitation
New Features of the VCPExplorer: Simulated Precipitation

Wednesday, 1 February 2006
New Features of the VCPExplorer: Simulated Precipitation
Exhibit Hall A2 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Poster PDF (476.3 kB)
The VCPExplorer is an instructional tool that aides in the visualization of radar scanning strategies, including radar beam propagation path relative to terrain, and radar algorithm dependence on volume coverage pattern (VCP). The VCPExplorer has been used in the Warning Decision Training Branch's (WDTB) Advanced Warning Operations Course (AWOC) and has been upgraded with several new features to simulate radar sampling issues of precipitation. Among the new features are radar estimated rainfall. The user can modify several parameters including ZR relationship, VCP, and reflectivity profile and compare the radar estimated (based on VCP and terrain-based hybrid scan) rainfall to the "true" (based on radar reflectivity at the Earth's surface) rainfall. Other new features include simulated "bright-banding" and sub-cloud evaporation effects on radar reflectivity.