Evaluation of a Lagrangian Dispersion Model and Turbulence Scheme for Three Boundary Layer Roughness Types
Evaluation of a Lagrangian Dispersion Model and Turbulence Scheme for Three Boundary Layer Roughness Types

Thursday, 2 February 2006: 2:15 PM
Evaluation of a Lagrangian Dispersion Model and Turbulence Scheme for Three Boundary Layer Roughness Types
A315 (Georgia World Congress Center)
The QUIC (Quick Urban & Industrial Complex) dispersion modeling system has been developed to rapidly provide 3D wind and concentration fields in cities and around building complexes. The Lagrangian dispersion model QUIC-Plume solves the Langevin equation and explicitly accounts for dispersion around buildings. As part of the development process for the code, several baseline test cases have been performed to ensure and document the model's performance under flat and neutrally-stratified boundary-layer conditions. For this work, three experimental test cases have been considered from the USEPA meteorological wind tunnel: smooth, rough and block boundary layers for releases at various heights. The QUIC-Plume output was compared to the wind- tunnel concentration and turbulence profiles at various downwind distances of from the source. At the meeting, comparisons will be shown and details on the turbulence algorithms will be addressed.