DLAC2—Training Forecasters To Better Serve Our Aviation Customers

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Tuesday, 31 January 2006
DLAC2—Training Forecasters To Better Serve Our Aviation Customers
Exhibit Hall A2 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Gregory Byrd, UCAR/COMET, Boulder, CO; and C. Weiss

Poster PDF (38.5 kB)

Distant learning aviation course 2 - training forecasters to better serve our aviation customers

Design and development of the second in a series of Distance Learning Aviation Courses (DLAC2) has begun at the Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education and Training (COMET). DLAC2, entitled Writing Effective Terminal Forecasts, will focus on creating terminal forecasts (TAFs) as accurately, clearly and concisely as possible.

Traditionally, forecaster training has concentrated on the scientific and technical aspects of the subject. However, DLAC2 will spotlight issues such as impacts of TAFs on their users, effective communication between the forecaster and users, and collaboration and coordination with other offices issuing aviation forecasts.

DLAC2 will be composed of up to 4 self-paced sections containing Web-based tutorials and case studies, which can be interspersed with live instructor-led teletraining sessions. Each section will include 2 to 3 hours of training material. The course will address the following topics:

• What users want and need from a TAF • How to deal with uncertainty • What makes a good TAF • What to include and leave out • Timing

A team concept is being employed by COMET to facilitate course development. Team membership includes representatives from NWS, DoD, Environment Canada, and the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. To ensure the customer's perspective is represented, consultants from the FAA and several major airlines advise the team in its work.

DLAC2 is expected to be completed in 2007, although individual training modules may be available as they are finished. More information will be available on COMET's MetEd Website (http://meted.ucar.edu) as work progresses.