GeoModeler - using ArcEngine and Java to link a GIS front-end with a modeling back-end
GeoModeler - using ArcEngine and Java to link a GIS front-end with a modeling back-end

Tuesday, 31 January 2006: 2:15 PM
GeoModeler - using ArcEngine and Java to link a GIS front-end with a modeling back-end
A412 (Georgia World Congress Center)
In responding to natural and manmade crises, researchers need to be able to rapidly gather data, define interactions, model systems and support decisions and remedies. Tools that make any of these steps faster, easier and simpler contribute to the ability to make better decisions. Two important tools are the use of decision support models and geographic information systems (GIS). Unfortunately, these two tools have not been well integrated for scientific uses. This lack of true integration hinders the ability of managers and scientists to create interactive, GIS-based, models for management and research. GIS packages are starting to expose code and objects to allow closer coupling of core GIS functionality and analytical/modeling tools. Through the use of Java-based API's and connectors, a GIS is directly linked with models. Scientists and managers are able to use a GIS-based graphical interface to display datasets, select the data to be used in a scenario, set the weights for factors in the model and run the model. The results are returned to the GIS for display and spatial analysis. The project creates a framework for back-end models that would incorporate Java-based models. ArcGIS Engine and implementations of ArcObjects are used to communicate with an ArcGIS based front end. The front end provides both setup - allowing the user to specify the datasets to be used, the weights for elements of the model and the output desired; and for display - showing the results of the model run in a map or other spatial output. Two NOAA activities that have identified a need for such tools are the joint NMFS-states Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEAMAP) and the NOS National Marine Sanctuaries (NMS) West Coast Information Management and Delivery Program. The NOAA Coastal Data Development Center (NCDDC) is working to develop metadata for the SEAMAP database, and to geospatially enable raw data extracted from the SEAMAP database through an NCDDC-developed Internet gateway. Modeling of NMS Monitoring Program data with the display capabilities developed through this project will enable Sanctuary scientists to integrate observed data into predictions of the affects of environmental and anthropogenic variables on marine sanctuaries. In the longer term, the potential exists to support near-real time hazard response within Sanctuaries through integration with the ongoing Sanctuaries Hazardous Incident Emergency Logistics Database System (SHIELDS), which provides Intranet-based contingency plans and response tools for NMS.