Incorporating GIS data into a LIS environment for use with a predictive distributed runoff model for the country of Romania
Incorporating GIS data into a LIS environment for use with a predictive distributed runoff model for the country of Romania

Wednesday, 1 February 2006
Incorporating GIS data into a LIS environment for use with a predictive distributed runoff model for the country of Romania
Exhibit Hall A2 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Under the DESWAT (Destructive Waters) project Baron Advanced Meteorological Systems is implementing a series of flood prediction systems for the country of Romania. One of these systems will use the NOAH model, LIS, and a distributed overland flow routing model to predict runoff. A variety of the Geographical Information System (GIS) data sets are needed to model the interactions at the land surface. Several high resolution GIS data sets have been acquired. 100m resolution elevation data based on 90m SRTM data will be used for the overland routing. Land cover data based on the FAO classification system was manually determined for the entire country based on 30m LANDSAT imagery. Also, recently produced soils data revealed 173 soil types in Arges sub-basin (about 20,000 km2), the initial area of Romania that will be modeled. In this talk, the authors will describe the characteristics of these data sets and how they are incorporated into the distributed models.