Implementation of a traffic-produced turbulence scheme into the fast-response model QUIC

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Monday, 30 January 2006: 10:45 AM
Implementation of a traffic-produced turbulence scheme into the fast-response model QUIC
A407 (Georgia World Congress Center)
James V. Clark, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and P. Klein

Presentation PDF (294.0 kB)

The fast response model QUIC is designed to generate high resolution, 3-dimensional wind and dispersion fields for urban areas. It is based on a diagnostic wind field model, QUIC-URB, and a Lagrangian dispersion model, QUIC-PLUME. QUIC-URB uses empirical flow parameterizations to generate an initial flow field near buildings. The final velocity field is then obtained by forcing the initial velocity field to be mass consistent, and resembles a time-averaged experimental result. QUIC-PLUME was recently extended by a traffic- produced-turbulence (TPT) scheme. This paper presents an overview of the theoretical background of the TPT scheme and its implementation into QUIC. A comparison of QUIC results against wind-tunnel data sets of dispersion characteristics in idealized street canyons with and without TPT will also be shown. Finally, the practical applicability of the TPT scheme for dispersion modeling in urban areas, where traffic conditions vary significantly, will be discussed.