The ROC/NSSL Technology Transfer MOU: A success story in radar applications technology transfer

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Wednesday, 1 February 2006: 8:45 AM
The ROC/NSSL Technology Transfer MOU: A success story in radar applications technology transfer
A411 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Donald W. Burgess, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and M. A. Fresch

Presentation PDF (112.7 kB)

In the late 1980's when the NEXRAD Program was finalizing plans to deploy the operational network of WSR-88D radars, the Program correctly recognized the need to implement a process that would assure continued improvement of the radar hardware, software, and applications. The ROC (then OSF)/NSSL Technology Transfer Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was created to provide a continued stream of new and/or improved radar analysis/diagnosis applications (e.g. algorithms) for operational implementation. [Over time, a second MOU was implemented for hardware and software improvement. This paper concerns only the Technology Transfer MOU.] The MOU has enjoyed great success over the nearly two decades of its existence. Many of the applications that are part of the current baseline were developed through the MOU process. The success story includes the velocity dealiasing algorithm, the cell tracking algorithm, the mesocyclone and tornadic vortex detection algorithms, and several other applications. In recent years, some of the emphasis shifted to improvements in data quality and WSR-88D use with other sensors. We will detail the recent year-by-year accomplishments of the MOU as well as illustrate the path and timeline of applied research transfer into operations. We will also outline the MOU administrative process and oversight and probable near-future (FY06 and beyond) priorities.