The Use of TAMDAR (Tropospheric Airborne Meteorological Data Reporting) as a Convective Forecasting Supplement in the Northern Plains and Upper Midwest
The Use of TAMDAR (Tropospheric Airborne Meteorological Data Reporting) as a Convective Forecasting Supplement in the Northern Plains and Upper Midwest

Thursday, 2 February 2006: 2:30 PM
The Use of TAMDAR (Tropospheric Airborne Meteorological Data Reporting) as a Convective Forecasting Supplement in the Northern Plains and Upper Midwest
A405 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Presentation PDF (1.4 MB)
Anticipating changes in the atmospheric distribution of temperature and moisture is a vital part of the convective forecasting process. These changes are occasionally complex and can be difficult to forecast due to the paucity of upper air observations in time and space. The TAMDAR Great Lakes Fleet Experiment (GLFE) has equipped commuter aircraft with meteorological sensors in order to increase the density and frequency of these observations. Profiles of temperature and dewpoint sampled between the surface and 500hPa show significant utility alongside additional observed data and numerical model guidance in diagnosing local magnitudes of potential instability, convective inhibition, and deep-layer moisture.
The utility of TAMDAR GLFE data relevant to convective forecasting in the Northern Plains and Upper Midwest is examined. These geographic areas present a unique challenge due to significant changes observed over time within local thermodynamic environments, and associated differences that exist among short-term model solutions. A few specific case studies are presented in which TAMDAR helps the forecaster to properly assess the environment, resolve model differences, and ultimately produce an improved forecast of convection.