A multi-scale observational and modeling approach to the characterization of upper tropospheric composition and Stratospheric-Tropospheric exchange during INTEX-A
A multi-scale observational and modeling approach to the characterization of upper tropospheric composition and Stratospheric-Tropospheric exchange during INTEX-A

Wednesday, 1 February 2006: 11:45 AM
A multi-scale observational and modeling approach to the characterization of upper tropospheric composition and Stratospheric-Tropospheric exchange during INTEX-A
A407 (Georgia World Congress Center)
A complex mixture of chemical and dynamical processes that occur simultaneously on many spatial and temporal scales forms the bulk composition of the upper troposphere over North America. During the INTEX-A field mission, multi-scale ozone measurements were made from aircraft, satellite and balloon platforms. Using a geophysical analysis approach and a regional-scale model, we show how the various measurements fit together, and we investigate how each type of measurement contributes uniquely to characterization of the upper troposphere and tropopause region. We relate atmospheric measurements across many scales of motion, from planetary wave-breaking to small-scale gravity waves. This presentation serves the dual purpose of illustrating the complex structure and origins of upper tropospheric air, and the synergy that can be obtained by combining measurements among many differing spatial and temporal scales. We use our results from INTEX-A as a working example of how the new planned Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) will benefit atmospheric science.