Developing Capability for NOAA Tsunami Warning Centers, NWS Weather Forecast Offices, and Emergency Management Centers to Collaborate Effectively During Tsunami Events

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Tuesday, 31 January 2006: 5:00 PM
Developing Capability for NOAA Tsunami Warning Centers, NWS Weather Forecast Offices, and Emergency Management Centers to Collaborate Effectively During Tsunami Events
A411 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Greg Pratt, NOAA/ERL/FSL, Boulder, CO; and J. L. Partain and L. Sherretz

Our presentation will discuss work that NOAA FSL and NWS Alaska Region are proposing to enable Tsunami Warning Centers, relevant WFOs, and Emergency Management Centers to collaborate effectively during tsunami threats/events. The proposal has been submitted to the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program. The goal is to ensure that tsunami advisories and warnings are fully consistent and are disseminated to the public as rapidly as possible. An earthquake off the coast of Northern California on 5 July 2005 revealed critical deficiencies in how NWS and USGS responded to a tsunami threat. A followup NWS report recommended that capability to facilitate collaboration be developed/implemented.

Our plan is to enable FSL's FXC Java application (currently being developed to facilitate interagency collaboration during volcanic ash events) to facilitate collaboration during tsunami events. First, we plan to focus on collaboration among Alaska Tsunami Warning Center, Pacific Tsunami Warning Center and USGS. Next, we plan to focus on collaboration between Tsunami Warning Centers and relevant WFOs. And finally, we plan to focus on collaboration between WFOs and Emergency Management Centers.