Surface Wind Response to oceanic Fronts
The response of the scatterometer wind field to the SST/current front was analyzed in detail for these ten cases using the Pennsylvania State University (PSU)-National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Mesoscale Model (MM5). This includes an analysis of both the dynamical forcing of the wind (by the currents) and the thermal forcing due to the step in SST. To do so the planetary boundary layer (PBL) model Medium-Range Forecast (MRF)used in MM5 was modified to allow the incorporation of the Gulf Stream current as part of the bottom boundary condition. Changes in the modeled surface wind field across the front in each of the ten cases agrees well with changes in the observed winds. The importance of pressure gradients induced by changes in air temperature, moisture, and ver tical mixing across oceanic front is studied in the momentum budget analysis. Our findings suggest that the perturbation pressure resulting from the thermal forcing by the front accounts for the decrease in wind speed when moving from warm to cold water and the increase observed in the converse. The frontal adjustment of the surface wind to the front occurs as a result of the vertical motion induced by horizontal divergence/convergence and advection in the marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL). Finally the numerical simulations suggest that the dynamical and thermal effects are very nearly additive.
Corresponding author address: Qingtao Song, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI 02882. E-mail: qsong@gso.uri.edu