Social Science Research Needs: A Focus on Vulnerable Populations, Forecasting and Warnings

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Wednesday, 1 February 2006: 9:30 AM
Social Science Research Needs: A Focus on Vulnerable Populations, Forecasting and Warnings
A307 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Betty Morrow, Consulting Sociologist, Miami, Florida; and B. D. Phillips

This paper assesses the state of social science research specific to populations at risk vis-à-vis weather forecasting and warnings. Populations at risk are defined as groups historically disadvantaged by socio-economic status, patterns of discrimination and/or exclusion, lack of political representation and/or cultural distancing. These contexts marginalize some groups, leaving them less likely to receive, interpret and/or respond appropriately to forecasts and warnings. An overview of key concepts from vulnerability research is provided and research needs emanating from the social science literature relevant to forecasting and warning are suggested.