Terra product fusion for improved cloud mask and cloud top heights
Terra product fusion for improved cloud mask and cloud top heights
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
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Monday, 30 January 2006: 1:30 PM
Terra product fusion for improved cloud mask and cloud top heights
A305 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Five years after the launch of the Terra platform the scientific community has been offered a list of operational cloud products developed by the MISR and MODIS science teams. Each of the products has been well studied, validated and documented. We present a study exploring the MISR and MODIS cloud mask and cloud top heights algorithms in depths, assessing the uncertainties of the methods, and in result we propose an algorithm for producing a synergistic “end-user” cloud mask and cloud top height product. This fusion has limited time and spatial capabilities defined by the Terra instruments orbital paths. Nevertheless, the findings of this work could be applied for future spaceborne instruments of similar nature.