Radiometric properties of clouds retrieved by AIRS

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Monday, 30 January 2006: 5:00 PM
Radiometric properties of clouds retrieved by AIRS
A305 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Evan Fishbein, JPL, Pasadena, CA; and B. Kahn and E. J. Fetzer

Clouds are detected and radiometrically characterized by the AIRS/AMSU instrument suite through differences in their spectral signatures in the microwave and infrared sounding bands, as well as the spatial coherency between adjacent AIRS footprints. We report on an analysis of retrieved cloud properties during a two week period during northern winter 2002/3. The height-dependence of cloud amount and its dependence on location are reported. Cloud spectral signature, the frequency dependence of the difference between clear upwelling radiance and cloud-contaminated upwelling radiances are used to characterize the microphysics of the clouds. We show how cloud spectral signature relates to cloud height and location.