GIS analysis and modeling for spatial decision support to NOAA's Environmental Real-Time Observation Network (NERON)
GIS analysis and modeling for spatial decision support to NOAA's Environmental Real-Time Observation Network (NERON)

Tuesday, 31 January 2006: 3:30 PM
GIS analysis and modeling for spatial decision support to NOAA's Environmental Real-Time Observation Network (NERON)
A412 (Georgia World Congress Center)
GIS analysis and modeling techniques are being developed for spatial decision support to NOAA's Environmental Real-Time Observation Network (NERON), particularly in the area of site selection. Work has progressed from the New England prototype to include southeastern states and is projected to continue into the mountain-west. To accommodate geographic diversity and regional needs, a multicriteria spatial decision support approach has been built in ArcGIS environment to meet NERON local, regional, and national requirements. An extensive suite of geospatial data is being acquired from a wide range of geospatial data portals. We have developed custom tools and procedures to pre-process, integrate, and ingest the diverse arrays of geospatial data into GIS analysis and modeling techniques designed for the multicriteria spatial decision support to identify sites that meet NERON site requirements, ensure regional and climate continuity, and are, in general, evenly distributed across the nation, with considerations of other NOAA surface observation networks. For each identified site, we have developed line-of-sight analysis to determine data communication towers and antenna heights necessary to transmit observations in real-time. Should terrain become a barrier for the communication, our model suggests candidate sites for repeaters. Geospatial meta-data for each identified NERON site are readily available building upon the extensive suite of geospatial data acquired for NERON spatial decision support. This presentation will discuss methodology, results, and differences in support for different regions of the US. In addition, we will highlight a plan for a web-based spatial decision support system for use by the regional NERON site selection teams. The web-based NERON spatial decision support system will allow the regional teams to modify variables and parameters in our GIS analysis and modeling functions to accommodate geographic environments and regional needs. NERON site selection can be improved by comparing alternative sites resulted from these modifications.