A modern, PC/Mac visualization tool for K-20 students

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Tuesday, 31 January 2006: 4:00 PM
A modern, PC/Mac visualization tool for K-20 students
A402 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Renee A. McPherson, OCS/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and J. M. Wolfinbarger, J. B. Basara, A. D. Melvin, and D. S. Arndt

Presentation PDF (845.2 kB)

The Oklahoma Climatological Survey (OCS) works with K-12 schools as well as undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Oklahoma to develop high-quality, easy to use software for displaying real-time and archived weather data. The current implementation of the software includes visualization of surface observations, Levels II and III NEXRAD radar data, gridded data, lightning, and other GIS datasets.

The presentation will discuss the wide range of uses of the software in educational settings, with particular attention to adult education, both formal and informal.

Supplementary URL: http://sdg.ocs.ou.edu