Space weather hazards to satellite systems
Space weather hazards to satellite systems
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Monday, 30 January 2006: 11:30 AM
Space weather hazards to satellite systems
A406 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Very large magnetic storms; high-amplitude, hard-spectrum energetic proton events; extended periods of high levels of high-energy “killer electrons” in GEO and lower altitude orbit; and thermal electrons injected from the magnetotail and drifting toward dawn at GEO as well as trapped radiation (e.g. “South Atlantic Anomaly”) have created hazardous space weather conditions for satellites. Examples are: 13-14 March 1989, the “Great Magnetic Storm”; 14-16 July 2000, the “Bastille Day Storm”; 31 Mar-2 April 2001, the “Halloween Storm” in October-November 2003, and the most recent anomaly-producing event(s). An overview of the different types of space environment disturbances that comprise “Space Weather” will be given.