African Drought, Locust, Famine
African Drought, Locust, Famine

Tuesday, 31 January 2006: 9:15 AM
African Drought, Locust, Famine
Thomas Murphy Ballroom 1 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Locust infestations affected crop production across the Sahel during the 2004 growing season, but fairly good crop-growing weather mitigated impacts from the insects for most of the region. A major exception was in Niger, where the combination of the locusts, an early end to the rainy season, and economic problems resulted in famine. Although the food shortages have been serious, media reports were somewhat misleading as to the timing and scale of the famine. There was little drought across the region in 2004, and growing conditions were even better in 2005, which did not see the sudden cessation of the rains in Niger or elsewhere in the Sahel. Also, the locust problem was much diminished in 2005. As a result, crop prospects were favorable in 2005 for most of the Sahel region.