Weather Impacts on the Aviation Industry

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Tuesday, 31 January 2006: 1:55 PM
Weather Impacts on the Aviation Industry
Thomas Murphy Ballroom 1 (Georgia World Congress Center)
A. Bruce Carmichael, NCAR, Boulder, CO

The aviation industry exists in a daily state of weather sensitivity. Weather has a strong connection to safety of flight. As the aviation system works to mitigate safety-of-flight issues, system capacity and efficiency are diminished to a greater extent than would be necessary if we had a “perfect” forecast of conditions. Events that produce these negative impacts include convective weather, turbulence, icing aloft, winter weather at airports, low ceilings, poor visibility, and volcanic ash clouds. Each of these events presents a different forecast challenge. But beyond forecasting, even if we are able to produce a “perfect” forecast, there is a significant challenge to the development of an air traffic management system that can assimilate the forecast and use it effectively to optimize system safety, capacity, and efficiency.