Examples of the value of strong climatological signals in tropical cyclone forecasting

In an eight-day period in early September 2004, Hurricane Ivan was repeatedly, and incorrectly, forecast by twelve operational NWP models to move with a significant northward (poleward) component. At the same time, a climatology-based prediction technique, drawn entirely from the historical record of motion characteristics of TCs in geographical locations similar to Ivan, correctly and consistently indicated a more westward motion component, had a small directional spread, and was supported by a large number of archived cases. This climatological signal was in conflict with the deterministic NWP model output, and we suggest that the large errors in the official track forecast for TC Ivan could have been reduced considerably by taking into greater account such a strong climatological signal. We also suggest that this simple strategy of examining the strength of the climatological signal be considered for all TCs to identify cases where the NWP and official forecasts differ significantly from strong, persistent climatological signals.