Passive tracer dispersion over a regular array of cubes using CFD simulations

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Thursday, 2 February 2006: 11:45 AM
Passive tracer dispersion over a regular array of cubes using CFD simulations
A407 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Jose Luis Santiago, CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain; and A. Martilli and F. Martin

Presentation PDF (608.4 kB)

Nowadays, air pollution is considered a great environmental problem in many cities. Thus, it is important to study pollutant dispersion inside urban canopy, where there are complex patterns of air flow that determine pollutant concentration. In this contribution, CFD simulations of pollutant dispersion over a regular three dimensional array of cubes are carried out representing a regular configuration of streets (canyons) and buildings. Pollutant are modeled by a passive tracer. This passive tracer is emitted at ground inside regular array of cubes. Location of maximum and minimum of passive tracer concentration are analyzed. Contour maps of pollutant concentration at different vertical positions are explained by means of air flow patterns. In addition, several passive tracers are emitted inside each canyon to study the effect of emissions inside a street on concentration inside other ones. Thus, some information on the contribution of neighbor canyons on pollutant concentration is obtained.