Tropical cyclone applications of next-generation operational satellite soundings

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In this paper, three applications of next generation soundings to tropical cyclone analysis will be demonstrated using combined AIRS and AMSU retrievals from Hurricanes Lili (2002), Isabel (2003) and Fabian (2003). The accuracy of these soundings in tropical cyclone environments will be evaluated by comparison with co-located GPS dropsondes obtained from the NOAA Gulfstream Jet Surveillance missions. The ability to accurately estimate the thermodynamic structure in the near storm environment has application to short-term intensity prediction. The soundings in the storm eyes have potential for monitoring storm intensity. Eye soundings from these three storms will be integrated downward to obtain the surface pressure, which will be compared with the value measured by aircraft reconnaissance. Finally, wind retrievals from the AIRS/AMSU soundings based upon nonlinear balance equation and hydrostatic constraints will be compared with flight level winds from the reconnaissance aircraft.