Joint Urban 2003 Database/Web Design (Formerly Paper JP1.13)
Joint Urban 2003 Database/Web Design (Formerly Paper JP1.13)

Wednesday, 1 February 2006: 11:00 AM
Joint Urban 2003 Database/Web Design (Formerly Paper JP1.13)
A316 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Presentation PDF (115.2 kB)
The Joint Urban 2003 (JU2003) dispersion experiment conducted in Oklahoma City, OK from 29 June through 31 July 2003 was designed to collect high-resolution meteorological and dispersion data in an urban environment. These data will be used to enhance future meteorological and dispersion models for urban environments. Hundreds of meteorological sensors were used during the field program, including Doppler lidars, sonic anemometers, and sodars to name a few. More than 150 scientists from government, academia, and the private sector participated in the field program. Because extensive meteorological and tracer dispersion measurements were made by the 24 groups who participated in JU2003, a central repository with a web interface is needed for easy access by participants and other scientists. This paper discusses the Joint Urban 2003 database and website. In particular, it discusses: 1) the Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (LAMP) model and hardware used in the development and implementation; 2) the availability and quality control of the archived data; 3) how and what types of data can be download from the database; and 4) security and accessibility.