Multi-sensor precipitation reanalysis
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Recently, the Multisensor Precipitation Estimation (MPE) algorithm has replaced the Stage III algorithm in the PPS. The MPE algorithm is an improvement on Stage III radar rainfall estimates in several areas. The MPE algorithm delineates an effective radar coverage area based on seasonal radar climatology. The mosaicking scheme uses data from adjoining radars based on the radar sampling geometry. The algorithm provides analysis over the entire RFC not just radar by radar. The algorithm has an improved mean-field bias correction, and it includes a new local bias correction procedure. Each of these improvements are designed to reduce or eliminate biases that are inherent in the radar rainfall estimates, but the algorithm is geared toward real-time operational implementation.
The NEXRAD data are available for an approximately 10 year record, which provides for a long term data set at high resolution both spatially and temporally. We have implemented the MPE algorithm with the historical NEXRAD data in a reanalysis mode to develop a data set that is suited for long term climatological applications. We perform the reanalysis with the hope of reducing biases that continue to plague operational products. Reanalysis allows for several improvements to the historical radar rainfall products. One of the main improvements included in the reanalysis is to incorporate more in-situ measurements of rainfall, which are important for the bias correction procedures. Higher quality and higher density rain gauge measurements will help to improve the multisensor rainfall estimates. Further, the reanalysis allows for detailed experiments for parameter tuning. All of these experiments will allow us to improve current estimates such that they are more suited for long term water resources and climate applications. We present preliminary results of our analysis over the Southeastern U.S.