14th Symposium on Boundary Layer and Turbulence


Analysis of different Stable Boundary Layer evolutions

C. Yagüe, Spanish National Meteorological Institute, Madrid, Spain; and G. Morales, J. Cuxart, and E. Terradellas

An eight night consecutive period from SABLES98 (Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiment in Spain, September 1998) has been studied in order to show how different the evolution of the SBL can be even in similar weather synoptic conditions. The turbulent transfer (evaluated from the eddy transfer coefficients for heat and momentum) seems to be very sensitive to small variations in surface wind. The possible presence of internal gravity waves and counter-gradient fluxes could play an important role in the turbulent character of the SBL and also the variation of the stability with height (which has been calculated from the gradient Richardson number).

Poster Session 7, Stable
Wednesday, 9 August 2000, 6:00 PM-9:00 PM

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