14th Symposium on Boundary Layer and Turbulence

Session 5A

 Organizer: Jakob Mann, Risø, Roskilde Denmark
8:00 AM5A.1Particulate Matter dispersion modeling in Alpine valleys  
Peter de Haan, INFRAS Ltd., Bern, Switzerland
8:15 AM5A.2Statistics of surface adherence time in atmospheric dispersion of tracer gases  
John D. Wilson, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada; and T. K. Flesch
8:30 AM5A.3Subfilter-scale scalar transport for large-eddy simulation  
Fotini V. Katopodes, Stanford University, Stanford, CA; and R. L. Street and J. H. Ferziger
8:45 AM5A.4The performance of Lagrangian stochastic models in uniform shear flow  
Brian L. Sawford, CSIRO Atmospheric Research, Aspendale, Vic., Australia; and P. K. Yeung
9:00 AM5A.5Lagrangian Modeling of Mean and Fluctuating Concentrations from Sources in the Convective Boundary Layer  
Jeffrey C. Weil, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO; and P. P. Sullivan and C. H. Moeng
5A.6Fumigation and dispersion of pollutants into a growing CBL  
X.-M. Cai, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, United Kingdom
9:14 AM5A.6aMeasurements of a gust front passage and its effect on ozone levels (Formerly Paper P5A.1)  
Lisa S. Darby, NOAA/ERL/ETL, Boulder, CO; and W. A. Brewer, R. Marchbanks, E. Williams, C. J. Senff, R. M. Banta, and W. D. Neff
9:29 AM5A.7Mixing of Reactive Gases in the Convective Boundary Layer  
Gé H. L. Verver, KNMI, De Bilt, Netherlands; and H. V. Dop and A. A. M. Holtslag
9:44 AMCoffee Break  

Friday, 11 August 2000: 8:00 AM-10:14 AM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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