Regions of mountain-induced rotor formation near the ground, and mountain-induced wave breaking aloft, present a serious hazard for the aviation community. The dynamical mechanisms and height of upper level wave breaking are reasonably understood, whereas lee wave rotors are notoriously difficult to forecast. In most previous studies rotors have been postulated as steady features, linked to stationary, non-breaking, trapped lee waves. In reality, upstream flow conditions vary with time which, combined with potentially important non-linear effects, can give rise to unsteadiness in rotor size, strength and position. The present work assumes steady upstream conditions with the aim of simulating these rotors using a high resolution, non-hydrostatic numerical model, in order to better understand the flow patterns involved and the conditions conducive to their formation. In the long term, this knowledge will feed into the development of a more sophisticated local lee wave/rotor forecasting tool for aviation purposes.
Two-dimensional inviscid results from numerical model integrations of trapped lee waves have shown good agreement with analytical results for several idealised test cases. Following on from these studies, results will be presented from recent integrations attempting to simulate rotor formation both in an inviscid environment and in one with a neutral boundary layer included. A variety of upstream conditions (wind and stability profiles with height) are investigated, together with variations in mountain shape, height, width and slope, in order to find out which conditions lead to rotor formation. An overview of the current findings of this work will be given in the form of regime diagrams.