Tuesday, 8 August 2000: 3:45 PM
Stochastic parcel models have been used in the past to explain the observed variability of temperature, moisture and vertical velocity inside shallow cumulus clouds (Raymond and Blyth 1986; Kain and Fritsch 1990; Emanuel 1991; Hu 1997). In these models, the mixing-rate of each individual parcel was often fixed. Here we derive an expression for the lateral entrainment rate of such a rising air-parcel, and we find that the entrainment-rate is coupled to the dynamics of the parcel, introducing some important feedback mechanisms. Because of these feedbacks, parcels with different properties can have the same expression for the mixing-rate, making a stochastic model less arbitrary and ad-hoc.
We validate this parcel-model stochastically on LES data. The characteristics of the buoyant part of the clouds are reproduced: the decreasing fractional cover and increasing liquid water content with height, the vertical dynamics and mass-flux, the conserved properties and the marginally buoyant state. The model also produces the variability typical for shallow cumulus.
A special limit of our model describes a bulk-volume in a cloud-ensemble. We will analyse this special case to explain its characteristics, and show its potential use as a parameterization in convective schemes of large-scale models.