New information on the mean flow and turbulence characteristics in the roughness sublayer was obtained in a wind-tunnel study of the flow field in a central part of the city Nantes, France. A detailed model of the building structure in a region of about 400 m in diameter was constructed in the scale 1:200 and investigated in a neutral boundary layer wind tunnel. Vertical profiles of mean and turbulent velocity components were measured with a Laser Doppler velocimeter at thirteen positions. The profile locations were chosen in the way to get information on the internal boundary layer development over the urban area and to trace horizontal variability of the flow inside and above a street canyon oriented perpendicular to the wind direction.
The influence of building pattern irregularities on the mean flow, turbulence kinetic energy, and shear stress distributions has been identified up to a level of about 2.5 times the average building height Ha. The observed wind profiles can be classified in two types. The first type includes characteristic canyon-flow profiles with almost zero or even negative mean wind velocities below the building roof level. Profiles referring to the second type are representative of the wind regime around street crossings or in open squares and characterized by higher mean and turbulent flow velocities in the canopy layer. Turbulence kinetic energy and shear stress profiles corresponding to both flow types in many cases show pronounced maxima in the flow region about 0.5 Ha deep just above the building roof level. Similar maxima are commonly observed in the flow transformation zone behind a step change of surface roughness.
It will be considered in detail whether the observed features of the mean flow and turbulence fields can be attributed to the suburban-urban roughness change or they reflect local flow disturbances by individual canopy elements. Possible parameterizations for horizontally averaged profiles of mean flow and turbulence statistics in the roughness sublayer will be discussed.