Friday, 11 August 2000: 1:30 PM
This paper presents non-dimensional turbulence statistics for a suburban area of Chicago for unstable, neutral and stable conditions in the summertime. Two ATI three dimensional sonic anemometer thermometers (SAT) were mounted on mobile towers at 18 and 27 m, 2.1 and 3.1 times the height of the roughness elements, zH, respectively. In addition a 1 dimensional CSI SAT, a CSI krypton hygrometer, and the inlet to a teflon tube, which pulled air to a closed path infra red gas analyzer (IRGA) (Licor model LI-6262) and a Scintrex LOZ-3 to observe ozone via a chemoluminescent technique, were located at 3.1 zH. The few studies conducted to date on turbulence in urban areas have concentrated on unstable conditions, with very little data reported for stable conditions (Roth, 2000 QJRMS). Here attention is directed also to stable conditions, knowledge of which is extremely important for dispersion modeling.