Tuesday, 8 August 2000: 9:15 AM
Frank Beyrich, German Weather Service, Lindenberg, Germany; and S. H. Richter, U. Weisensee, W. Kohsiek, F. Bosveld, H. Lohse, H. A. R. de Bruin, O. Hartogensis, J. Bange, and R. Vogt
The German Weather Service (DWD) currently runs a research project (LITFASS='Lindenberg Inhomogeneous Terrain - Fluxes between Atmosphere and Surface: a Long-term Study') in order to develop and to test a strategy for the determination of the area-averaged turbulent fluxes of heat, momentum, and water vapour over a heterogeneous landscape. The fluxes shall be representative for a horizontal scale of about 10 km (while the typical patch scale is between 102 to 103 m) corresponding to the size of a grid cell in the present operational numerical weather prediction model of the DWD.
LITFASS consists of three components:
- the development of a non-hydrostatic micro-a-scale model with a grid-size of 100 m
- experimental investigations of land surface - atmosphere exchange processes and boundary layer structure within a 20 km x 20 km area around the Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg (MOL)
- operation of a data base as an interface between measurement and modeling activities.
The overall project strategy has been tested over a four weeks period in May / June 1998 during the LITFASS-98 field experiment. The paper will present a brief description of the experimental setup and some initial results focusing on the behaviour of the turbulent fluxes. These have been determined using a variety of different techniques and methods covering six magnitudes of spatial sampling scales (profile measurements, eddy-correlation measurements, scintillometry, helicopter and aircraft measurenments). Results to be shown include
- the behavior of the turbulent fluxes over different surface types within the LITFASS area,
- vertical profiles of turbulent fluxes as derived from measurements at a 100m tower,
- an intercomparison of the local and area-integrated values of turbulent fluxes.
Finally, first modelling results for the experimental episode and aspects of an operationalisation of parts of the LITFASS measurement programme will be discussed.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

- Indicates an Award Winner