The model realistically simulated many synoptic-scale features of the CL, including distinctive patterns of surface pressure and low-level wind and cloudiness. Tropospheric warming in the first 1.5 km above the surface accounts for most of the simulated surface pressure drop along the coast (about 70% of the observed pressure drop). The low-level warming was in turn produced by the enhanced subsidence over the western slope of the Andes and subsequent horizontal warm advection by offshore winds. Initially, weak offshore winds at about 30°S appears along the coast as a geostrophic response to the inland migration of a surface anticyclone farther south, and leads to downward flow over the steep western slope of the Andes. As the CL deepens, the meridional pressure gradient becomes steeper and easterly winds intensifies to the south of the pressure minimum. Thus, topographic Rossby waves superimposed on the evolving synoptic-scale pattern seem responsible for the southward propagation of the CLs. The model also simulated an ageostrophic southerly low-level jet to the south of pressure minimum and the subsequent wind relaxation (without wind reversal in this case). After the passage of the CL there is a gradual onshore return of the MBL suggesting a Kelvin wave mechanism in this later stage.