Saturday, 12 August 2000: 1:30 PM
From November 1997 to October 1998 the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic (SHEBA) surface flux group made a variety of micrometeorological measurements on the Arctic icecap as part of ice station SHEBA. The ice station was launched at 143 W and 75 N and ended at 166 W and 80 N. The measurements included 5 levels of sonic anemometers and mean T/RH sensors, one fast hygrometer, upward and downward solar and IR fluxes, and snow/ice temperatures. We believe this is the first multi-level set of eddy-correlation flux data obtained over an entire annual cycle on the ice cap. In this paper we will describe an analysis of the turbulence statistics and mean profiles in the context of Monin-Obukhov similarity theory. The emphasis will be on evaluation of various dimensionless stability functions. We will also discuss deficiencies of MO scaling and examine other types of scaling.