Wednesday, 9 August 2000: 8:45 AM
By means of a simple analytical model, I show how entrainment across the top
of the convective planetary boundary layer (PBL) can generate fluctuations in
trace gas concentrations in the remote PBL and the free troposphere. The model
assumes a well-mixed PBL overlain with a well-mixed free troposphere separated
by a jump in species concentration. A jump in concentration is also assumed
across the tropopause, and an exponential increase in diffusivity with height
is assumed through the stratosphere. The model is applied to species with
surface sources that have lifetimes of the order of weeks to months, and
predicts that the standard deviations of the concentration fluctuations
normalized by the mean concentration are proportional to the lifetimes of the
trace gases to the -1/2 power. Species for which this approach is applicable
include C2H6, C2Cl4, CHCl3, and CH3Cl. PBL Observations from the Pacific
Exploratory Mission (PEM) Tropics A Mission, as well as other similar aircraft
studies generally agree with this prediction. A relation of this type is
useful for estimating lifetimes of trace gases in the atmosphere; or
conversely, if the lifetimes are known, average entrainment rates in the
measurement region.