Tuesday, 8 August 2000: 9:45 AM
The nature of turbulence within an internal boundary layer (IBL) is
examined using a large-eddy simulation (LES) model, which explicitly
resolves the three-dimensional turbulent eddies rather than parameterizing
their effect, using a nested grid technique to better resolve eddies very close
to the surface. Two idealized IBLs are simulated by changing surface
roughnesses within a neutral atmosphere, to produce a rough-to-smooth
transition and a smooth-to-rough transition. IBL generation has been
traditionally conceived as resulting from differing natures of turbulence
produced by differing surfaces. The present investigation supports this by
exploiting the capability of LES modelling to obtain very long time
averages under stationary conditions, so as to investigate turbulence quality
in addition to turbulence magnitude. Turbulence quality, identified by
skewness and kurtosis values, is shown to vary over the differing surfaces
and the IBL interface can be identified through differences in those
qualities. However, it is also demonstrated that the IBL growth is not
necessarily controlled by the local underlying surface but rather by the
rougher of the two surfaces, which may be the upwind surface. Turbulent
mixing coefficients (Ks) will be presented and compared to those values
expected over a horizontally homogeneous surface. The importance of
pressure gradient forces is also examined: while immediately downwind of
the surface interface turbulent stress divergence is balanced by advection,
as is usually assumed in simplified IBL models, further downwind the stress
divergence is instead balanced by pressure induced accelerations.