The US Army's FMCW radar that used to be deployed at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. (now deployed at the US Army Dugway Proving Ground, UT), was operated during the three-week long Profiler-HELIPOD Intercomparison Experiment (PHELIX) at Vandenberg AFB at the Pacific coast near Santa Maria, CA, in Nov. 1997. The FMCW radar sampled the refractive-index structure parameter, Cn2, every 13 s at a vertical resolution of down to 2 m. The logarithmic width of the measured histogram of Cn2 depends on altitude, as expected. The altitude dependence of histograms of Cn2 observed with the FMCW are compared with the altitude dependence of histograms of structure parameters and energy dissipation rates obtained from collocated in situ measurements of the helicopter-borne turbulence instrument HELIPOD.