As a part of our Lake-ICE research effort we are modeling the developing convective boundary with the University of Wisconsin Nonhydrostatic Modeling System (UW-NMS) using domain-sizes and grid-resolutions used in large-eddy simulations. The model was initialized with conditions to match those during the lidar observation. The model domain extended from 6 km inland of the shore line to 6 km offshore with 15-m resolution to match the lidar data. This allowed the formation of a realistic shear driven boundary layer at the upwind shore of the lake. Periodic boundary conditions were applied in the North-South direction. Inflow on the Western boundary was prescribed and radiative condition was used on the downwind boundary.
The model develops surface layer structure in the water vapor field which is very similar to that observed in the lidar images of the steam-fog. This allows us to use the LES eddy structure to infer the 3-dimensional eddy structure above the lidar scan-plane.