15th Conference on Boundary Layer and Turbulence

Tuesday, 16 July 2002
The influence of Nocturnal Boundary Layers regimes on the Surface Energy Budget
Maria Rosa Soler, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; and E. Ferreres and L. Mahrt
Poster PDF (57.2 kB)
This study analyses data from SABLES 98 and CASES99 toward the goal of understanding the influence of different stability regimes of the nocturnal boundary-layer on the surface energy budget. We focus our study on nights with extreme stability and on nights with significant shear above the thin nocturnal boundary layer, which generates turbulence stronger than that near the surface. During these nights, intermittent downward transport of turbulence, momentum and heat warm and accelerate the near surface air. During these events, cooling of the soil ceases and the soil surface temperature and outward long wave radiation increase. We attempt to model the surface temperature with a land surface model; illustrating with several examples the ability or problems with land surface models applied to different types of nocturnal boundary layers.

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