The results show that given the correct initial and boundary conditions the LES concept is capable of realistically predicting the bulk thermodynamic properties of temperature, moisture and liquid water content of the cumulus cloud ensemble as observed in SCMS. Furthermore the in-cloud turbulent kinetic energy and the cloud size distribution in LES were in agreement with the observations. These results support the credibility of cloud statistics as produced by LES in general, and encourage its use as a 'virtual laboratory' to test hypotheses and parameterizations of cumulus cloud processes.
Several hypotheses which make use of conditionally sampled fields were tested on the SCMS data. The magnitudes and the decrease with height of the bulk entrainment rate following from the SCMS data confirm the typical values first suggested by Siebesma and Cuijpers (1995) using LES results on BOMEX. Secondly, applying the simplified equation for the cloud vertical velocity (Simpson and Wiggert 1969) to the in-cloud measurements results in a reasonably closed budget. Finally, the observations support the similarity theory for shallow cumulus convection as proposed by Grant and Brown (1999).
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