Tuesday, 10 August 2004: 8:45 AM
Vermont Room
Presentation PDF (439.2 kB)
One-Dimensional Turbulence (ODT) is a turbulence simulation model formulated on a one-dimensional (1D) spatial domain. In an ABL context, it is nominally a single-column model representing the vertical structure of the atmosphere, but functionally it has a greater resemblance to large-eddy simulation in some respects. Specifically, ODT is a method for simulating, on an unsteady time-resolved basis, the time evolution of profiles of velocity and other fluid properties that one might measure along a 1D line of sight through a 3D turbulent flow. In the 1D dynamical process defined by the ODT model, the effects of turbulent 3D eddies associated with real fluid flow are captured by 1D fluid-element rearrangement events that occur over a range of length scales with frequencies that depend on event length scales and instantaneous flow structure. In this presentation, the use of ODT to simulate the GABLS stable boundary layer intercomparison case is described, and results illustrating the performance and the unique attributes of ODT are presented.