Specifically, these simulations exhibit: (i) a counter-rotating vortex pair aligned with the plume trajectory that can lead to a downstream bifurcation of the plume; (ii) shear-layer (i.e., transverse) vortices on the upstream face of the plume; and (iii) vertically oriented wake vortices that form with alternating sign and regular period in the turbulent wake between the ground and the bent-over plume. In most cases, the simulated plumes do not appear to exhibit self-similar Gaussian structure, even in a time-averaged sense. The basic structure and behavior of the simulated plumes will be presented, along with the dependence of this structure and behavior on parameters such as the speed of the crossflow and the intensity of the heat source (i.e., buoyancy forcing).
Laboratory experiments of buoyant plumes in a crossflow using a recirculating water flume are also presently being planned, and it is hoped that preliminary results of these experiments will also be presented.